Tag: #Docencia #profesorasarah #metodología

  • Los Materiales y el Concepto

    Concept and Construction materials


    Materials take on great importance in architecture as they can influence the conception of the project, remembering that the idea becomes matter thanks to the construction materials. It is also proven that they influence our mood and our comfort. For example, the warm touch of wood or the cool touch of metal.

    From this we will see the materials in architecture from three points of view.

    1. As an adjective. To express a quality.
    2. As a structural solution. As part of a whole.
    3. As a conditioning factor. As part of the composition. 


    This is the description of the Sao Paulo Art Museum by Lina Bo Bardi. With just words describing the material you can already imagine the space, the environments and the sensory experience. 

    Right in the space you are in right now, you can see 4 pillars and two beams; and maybe it is no more than 12 square meters, because Lina Bo Bardi used a 12 m distance of prestressed concrete beam between pillars. 


    Under the guidelines of the Brutalist Architecture of Brazil, at the time of the Brazilian military dictatorship where the modernist style was put into practice to express national identity.

    The works, made of reinforced concrete, prioritized height, and many residential buildings shared space with businesses.

    Here we can see the materials used and what they were referring to when mentioning a large suspended volume. gran volumen suspendido. 

    I give you this example to understand that materiality is the process where the idea becomes matter. This implies the handling of the material as a base element to make the applied concept a reality through the appropriate construction technique to be executed.

    Materials are essential in the process of creating environments and manipulation of spatial volume such as surface treatment. 

    Everything can be an inspiration to create a detail or a differentiating element in your project.  I share a "tip", which I think is the best advice. The first thing you have to do to find the ideal material for your project is to go to the street. This is why my recommendation is that from now on, we are going to touch, smell, see it and be able to discard ideas. 

    When doing this, think about the durability of a material and its possibilities to create. 

    As designers, we must study the type of materials or elements to be used for the design. 



    This quote could be understood as the perfect definition of the building, understood as a body that seems to float, whose expression varies throughout the day and appears oblivious to its surroundings. 

    The characteristic element of the building is its "hanging" arrangement of a structure located at the back, which together with a second glass façade maximize the lighting inside the block. Achieved thanks to the innovation of the structural system used.

    Donde a partir de un núcleo central, marcado en amarillo,  en la ilustración anterior, se levantan pilares provisionales para hacer colgar un sistema de muro cortina suspendido, logrando el efecto planteado en el concepto. 


    Fuente: Canal Youtube Ter

    Materials play a fundamental role in the idea of ​​a building that floats. In addition to creating an innovative structural system, in the aesthetic part, the materials emphasize the concept even more. 

    Generating a strong contrast between the two, the glass representing the lightness of the tower seeming to fly in the Paseo de la Castellana, the travertine representing the heavy part, the stereotomic: It is the massive, stony, heavy architecture that sits on the ground as if it were born from her.

    Another trick they use to deceive our eyes is the division of the glass pieces on its façade, since it makes us lose the notion of scale, we do not distinguish the exterior from the outside and it gives the sensation that the tower is much higher than the 11 levels they contain.

    The materiality makes its facades change color as the day progresses, just like the light. In Madrid, creating a glass box is complicated by the summer. To do this, a second layer of glass is placed and allows air to circulate between them, in this way the hot glass air between the two layers rises and is released naturally through the upper part, something like a very delicate glass fireplace. . Supported by glass ribs in the 70's.

    The second part of the materials analysis process is to ask: How are we going to look at these materials to be innovative? For example, in blacksmithing, what things can be done with iron? How can we be innovative?

    Now imagine that you are commissioned to design the roof of a multipurpose pavilion, the fact is that now you have many options, but the city council tells you not to fall. It arises they question based on which of this falls less. Entonces,

    Now imagine that you are commissioned to design the roof of a multipurpose pavilion in the event that you now have many options. But the town hall tells you not to fall. What would be the correct geometry?

    Simple: The natural geometry that a chain has and falls under its own weight, made either in materials cast under a mould. 


    Another piece of advice is that from now on, we are going to touch, smell, see the materials in order to rule out ideas. 

    Al hacer esto, piensa en la durabilidad de un material y en qué situaciones se pueden utilizar. 

    Another case study to analyze materials as conditioning factors of form is the SEED PAVILION, the UK pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Exhibition, by the Heatherwick architecture studio. 

    From a daily activity arises the base of the idea for the development of this pavilion, let's see:

    The concept becomes matter through 7.5 meter long “branches” that contain seeds forming a large seed. 

    The requested goal to meet the key expectation was for the pavilion to become one of the top five most popular attractions at the Expo. Based on two clear objectives, the first objective was to design a pavilion whose architecture was a direct demonstration of what it was exhibiting. The second objective was to secure a significant area of ​​public open space around it so that visitors could relax and choose to enter the pavilion building or view it clearly from a quiet, no-queue vantage point. And third, it would be unique among hundreds of other competing pavilions, events and programs.

    The result was a tall, six-story structure studded with 60,000 translucent rods that act as fiber optic strands channeling sunlight into the pavilion. 


    As a reflection, it is very important to know what can we use and what not, what can we metaphorize and that entails everything that we are putting in our design. 

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Proyecto Ejecutivo

    Architecture Plans


    Once the project has been presented and  redesign for improvements, we proceed with the last phase of the DIX subject, to make the document of the executive project, which consists of giving life to the project through construction plans. Achieving in this way, it is the graphic representation of the future work where the materials and the manufacturing process are exactly defined. In other words, the plans are the recipe that our workshop must follow to exactly build the future work.

    These are made up of the following documentation:

    1. Architecture Plans

    2. Structural Plans

    3. Technical plans: Electrical and Plumbing.

    4. Construction system documents.

    5. Planos de detalles constructivos.

    6. Management of catalogs and current international standards.

    7. Coherence, consistency and graphic and written concordance.

    It is worth noting the difference between the presentation plans for the purpose of graphic understanding for the client and the construction plans with the aim of documenting all the technicalities necessary to build the project. 


    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Presentación del Proyecto – Anteproyecto

    Presentation of an Architecture Project

    For the DIX subject that I teach at the School of Architecture of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra @EAD_PUCMM, the third unit consists of the presentation of the project, that is, for this stage the useful forms are already translated  de los resultados de toda la investigación y análisis previos, representados gráficamente. 

    Achieving the transition of a subjective idea and its materialization, projected in a space that gives meaning to the architectural process. Forming what is called a blueprint. 

    Composed by: 

    1. Descriptive memory.

    2. Architectural plans: Two-dimensional documents.

    3. Three-dimensional documents.

    4. Views and visuals, video or virtual reality. 

    In professional practice, these documents lend themselves to starting permits for construction purposes in entities such as the mayor's office and the national environmental directorate, as well as allowing the setting out on site to start construction. 

    In an academic way, it is the preamble to the definition of the project, where at this point the proposal can be evaluated for purposes of improvement or redesign to continue with the last phase: the executive project, which is known as construction plans, which include the technicality and documented engineering to start the work.  

    As an example of a preliminary project, I share with you the work carried out by the RAICES Interactive Center for Art and Culture project.


    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Conceptuación del proyecto

    Project conceptualization

    The beginning of conceptualization is the creative process of translating the results of all previous research and analysis into useful forms, which will be represented graphically. 

    The concept is the essence of architectural design, it is understood as the transition of a subjective idea and its materialization, as a metaphor projected in a space that gives meaning to the architectural process. A clear concept that guides the function and aesthetic value of any design, avoiding falling into formal whims.

    The choice of concept is usually a headache for the architect or student, many of us have  Having gone through the “blank paper crisis”, the first step to land ideas is perhaps the most difficult in the design process, and creativity is developed by exercising graphic expression as a fundamental quality in the composition process.

    1. In reality, there are no good or bad concepts, but rather a poor approach and development of conceptualization. To do this, prior knowledge of variables that can be interpreted by one or more qualities is required. The conception of the idea must be studied and understand what you want to express, be clear about where you want to go and how you want to get there.

      The conceptualization process consists primarily of a collection of information and analogies, in the search for key points to structure an architectural proposal that comprehensively meets the needs raised. To clearly define the concept of a building or architectural space, questions such as:

      What is it for? How does it develop? What is? How does it transcend time? What does it mean for the author and for society?

      In this way, the composition of the space consists of integrating a whole context of variables in an efficient and original design proposal that must be guided not only by a formal character but also by a natural, cultural and social context. The designer must understand the basic needs of society, consider the environment, its characteristics and values ​​that serve as a guide in the conceptualization of the architectural space and its aesthetic appearance.

    During the creative process of design conceptualization, elements intervene, of which I will name the most essential:

    1. Hipótesis de diseño. Acercamiento conceptual del objeto a diseñar, que posteriormente será sujeto a modificaciones. Se consideran al mismo tiempo los aspectos de contexto arquitectónico, criterios estructurales, forma, función, presupuesto e incluso estética.

    2. Zoning. Ordering of the components of the design established in the programa arquitectónico based on logical and functional relationships between them.

    3. Outline. three-dimensional structuring of Architectural Diagram, applied in a specific space with emphasis on the qualities of the system, subsystem, components and subcomponents.

    4. Starting point. Materialization of the solution to the architectural problem, shaping the spaces designed to fulfill their function.

    Sometimes two or three matches (preliminary design options) are made before deciding on one that will become a Blueprint.

    The most used analogies in the conceptualization that have served as the basis for the development of a project are: 

    1. Relevance and contribution to the construction system. The construction technique becomes relevant in the use, exploitation, combination and creation of construction systems, installations, among others.

    2. Contextual adaptation. Its base of inspiration is the physical environment that surrounds it, natural and artificial.

    3. Formal metaphors. Relates your design formally to known objects, without copying them identically.

    4. Historical implications. Through the play of well-identified historical elements, the design provides a derivation from its base of inspiration or a new language.

    5. Religious, mythological inspirations. Expresses materially, spiritual concepts based on common beliefs with personal interpretation or individual ideas.

     6. Vernacular inspirations. They have as bases the architecture made by its inhabitants.

    7. 7. Formal Exploration. Formal, regular or irregular language predominates, being able to use the module. The perceptive game, light and shadow, comes into action.

    8. Metaphor of some idea. The designer expresses in three dimensions some intangible idea such as tranquility, silence, passion.

    9. Analogy with nature. Study the organic forms of animals, plants or minerals, to interpret and express them in a design.

    10. Political-social-economic expression. It tries to represent or give the image of the historical moment that its society is experiencing.

    These concepts should not necessarily be seen individually, rather understand them separately in order to make decisions when designing.

    “If a work is intense, valid and has a powerful idea, it will make the imperfections remain in the background”.

    Alberto Campo Baeza.


    As an example of this phase of the creative process, I share with you the conceptualization work of the ANTILLES Center for Mental Health Healing project. 

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • El Proyecto Arquitectónico

    The Architectural Project

    For the DIX subject that I teach at the School of Architecture of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra @EAD_PUCMM, the second unit consists of the projection of the project where we form the program, the scope, estimation of square footage and the development phases of the project architectural.

    The formation of the architectural project helps us how to form the program of activities and use, the scope, estimation of square footage and the phases of development of the project, represented in a set of plans, drawings, diagrams and explanatory texts used to capture the design of a building.   



    1. Project cycle. Description of the project, conceptual objective, activities and requirements.
    2. Levels of commitments according to the stage. Project scope, time, availability and possibility; program of areas, description of the areas, spatial relationship and usable area.
    3. Document management according to the stages of the project. Development of the preliminary project (defined design) to later form it as an executive project (construction plans).

    To develop an architectural project, a preliminary research process is carried out that guides the architect in his task throughout the entire project. The interpretation that the architect makes of the results of this stage is what largely defines the personality of the project. Three basic activities are identified at this start of the process:

    1. Project definition: Scope, need and objectives.
    2. Program approach: spatial initial stage in response to needs.  El comparables analysis a good resource to form the program  and the typology to be designed.
    1. Interpretation of the program:  The needs of the client are studied and according to their interpretation and professional capacity, the objectives to be investigated are established before making a proposal.
    2. Schematization: From the Architectural Program, the designer makes a graphic scheme, where he mentions the space they occupy for the development of their activities, in which he represents each and every one of the elements of the program relating them.
    3. Conceptuazción: Diseño del esquema básico. Es considerado un proceso creativo donde  traducimos en formas útiles los resultados de todas las etapas anteriores, que serán representadas gráficamente en las etapas posteriores.

    At the end of this phase 2, we have the measurable scope of the project, full understanding thanks to the information collected and analyzed to start the final part of this stage, the game: project design conceptualization. 

    As an example of this phase of the matter, I share with you the work carried out by the Cognitive Traumatology Center.

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • El Contexto Arquitectónico

    The Architectural Context

    For the DIX subject taught at the School of Architecture of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra @EAD_PUCMM, the first unit consists of selecting the site and its context analysis, which becomes the starting point for the development of the project to be designed. 

    After selecting the site based on the recommendations of the case study, we began to carry out its analysis based on the following topics:

    The Context:

    1. Contexto social: área de estudio, población, sectores adyacentes e identidad del lugar. 
    2. Contexto urbano: Cualidades del lugar, características del terreno, radio de incidencia y levantamiento fotográfico. Junto a esto también se realiza el análisis de la evolución a través del tiempo, granulometría, análisis perceptual, accesibilidad, normativas del lugar, uso de suelo, altimetría, hitos, nodos y referencias. 
    3. Contexto medio ambiental: Condiciones del lugar, comportamiento del terreno, topografía, vegetación, ambientes, clima: asolamiento y vientos
    4. Contexto económico y de mercado: Estadísticas, actividades autóctonas y su grupo humano.

    5. Las partes interesadas: El inversionista. El cliente. El usuario. 

    6. La oficina de arquitectura y el arquitecto: Contribución individual y de equipo: En esta etapa se divide a los estudiantes para la formación de grupos de trabajo de 3 personas y se explica la dinámica del trabajo en equipo e individual como un símil de un estudio de arquitectura. 

    Realizando esto, concluimos con la unidad con el levantamiento necesario para el desarrollo de lo siguiente que es la definición del proyecto arquitectónico. 

    Con esto podemos concluir que con resultados del estudio de comparables podemos realizar recomendaciones a partir de lo existente y efectuar la toma de desiciones de manera pertinente y lo más acertada en la formación del proyecto arquitectónico.  

    Como ejemplo de esta fase de la materia, les comparto el trabajo realizado VITAE, Centro de Salud Integral, Maternal y Pediátrico.

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Análisis de Comparables y Casos de Estudios

    Comparable Analysis and Case Studies

    En arquitectura surgen los escenarios de la creación de una tipología o programa de áreas propio e innovador según las necesidades planteadas para diseñar.

    Para la asignatura de DIX realizamos análisis de comparables y casos de estudio con el objetivo de evaluar el valor de las áreas y sus relación utilizando las métricas de otros proyectos de dimensión similar o actividades a fines.

    El ejercicio constituye el principal gestor de la acción proyectual del estudio de las condiciones propias de cada proyecto, en relación a otros, evaluando campos del conocimiento y posibles teorías alternativas, podemos obtener una interpretación que permita tanto su comprensión veraz como la apertura a nuevos caminos en el proyecto de arquitectura. 

    El análisis de un proyecto arquitectónico, construido o no construido, se plantea cómo el estudio de una serie de parámetros dentro de diferentes categorías para su posterior síntesis integral que comprende toda la complejidad del proyecto. Para el mismo, además de la herramienta del lenguaje, es imprescindible el uso de todas las herramientas gráficas y constructivas que tengamos a nuestro alcance, esto es:  diagramas, dibujos, croquis, plantas, secciones, alzados, perspectivas, axonometrías, imágenes, maquetas, etc. 

    El análisis comparativo de los casos de estudio profundiza de forma crítica en la exploración de diferencias u semejanzas, y tiene como referencia fundamental la metodología empleada en el libro “A genealogía of Modern Architecture”de Kenneth Frampton que estructura la crítica en cuatro categorías de análisis: 

    1. Tipología vs Contexto.
    2. Público, semi-público, Privado y espacio de servicio.
    3. Movilidad y accesibilidad.
    4. Estructura y cerramiento. 

    Los casos de estudios seleccionados para realizar el análisis comparativo pretende contrastar realidades locales y globales, y reflexionar sobre dicotomías existentes en la práctica arquitectónica como lo especifico y lo universal, lo artesanal y lo industrial. 

    En ese sentido, la curaduría trata seleccionar, desde una posición crítica, casos relevantes desde el punto de vista:

    1. Comparables tipológicos (con similitud  en su programa de áreas).
    2. Referentes analógicos (por su semejanza, ya sea funcionalidad, relación espacial, forma, estética, entre otros).

    Utilizados como objetos de estudio que puedan establecer afinidades para una comparación estructural que va más allá de aspectos estéticos y lingüísticos. La comparación se entiende como un método pedagógico en el aprendizaje deviene del descubrimiento de semejanzas ocultas que pueden construir un discurso teórico y relevar nuevos conceptos y estrategias proyéctales.

    Como fundamento metolodólgico les recomiendo realizar una matriz de modo de resumen donde podemos visualizar la síntesis de todos los casos de estudios estudiados y poder comparar de manera rápida con el conocimiento adquirido. 

    Con esto podemos concluir con resultados del estudio de comparables podemos realizar recomendaciones a partir de lo existente y efectuar la toma de desiciones de manera pertinente y lo más acertada en la formación del proyecto arquitectónico.  

    Ejemplo de lo explicado, a continuación podrán ver el análisis de comparables del Proyecto Centro Comunitario de Atención Primaria y Ambulatoria. 

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Proyectos DIX – Periodo Septiembre Diciembre 2021

    DIX Projects – Period September December 2021

    For this period, the DIX Subject at @EAD_PUCMM has chosen the theme Tourism and Well-being. Through workshops and theoretical classes we carry out the entire development of the subject program. 

    Divided into 4 units, the subject was developed as follows:

    1. Previous knowledge. As an introduction to the units, during a period of two weeks, we focused on understanding the bases of the contest, placing it in the national context, analysis and resolutions to define typology and possible place.

    We do this part in random groups so that each student can interact with everyone.

    2. The architectural context. Once the typology is defined, progress is made by performing an analysis of the place in order to gather documentation, analysis and resolutions for design purposes, this being the first unit of the subject. 

    At this stage, the team is divided into working groups of 3 people who will reach the end of the subject.

    3. The architectural project. In this stage, the scope and area program are defined together with its immediate context in order to have the necessary information and documentation to start the design party.

    4. Presentation of the Project. The preliminary project begins, where the main focus is the programmatic, spatial and volumetric solution of the project. As a starting point, we carry out the conceptualization process individually with the objective of having several options per team. 

    5. Executive Project. By team, decisions are made on the resolutions obtained in the individual conceptualization process to start the group conceptualization and therefore the development of the project, making matter with its respective set of technical plans: Architectural, Structural, Electrical and Sanitary . 

    Among the outstanding projects in this period we have: 

    ROOTS – Interactive Center for Art and Culture 

    Grupo: Laura Guzmán, Franklin Castillo y Emily Burgos.

    📍 Santa Barbara, Samaná. Dom. Rep.

    ECO MONT – Inclusive Ecological Condo Hotel

    Group: Charatza Ruiz, Ivanny Bautista and Odelis Caamaño.

    📍Monte Cristi, Dom. Rep.

    HEM GLAM – Hotel Eco Glamping Mirador

    Grupo: Neiby Cáceres, Melaney Ventura y Graciely Guerrero. 

    📍Jarabacoa, Dom. Rep.


    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • He Glam- Hotel Ecoglamping Mirador

    He Glam- Hotel Ecoglamping


    Jarabacoa, Dom. Rep.

    Made by: Charatza Ruiz, Ivanny Bautista and Odelis Caamaño

    Professor: Arch. Sarah Tió


    It arises as an architectural response to tourist welfare in the intervention area that corresponds to Jarabacoa belonging to the province of La Vega.

    Starting from the concept of the endemic flower (the orchid), this project will be specifically dedicated to those users who want a short-term stay in relaxing, comfortable spaces with natural views.

    “We are getting further and further from nature. We no longer know if it is cold or hot in a building. You have to look for materials in nature”

    Arq. Toyo Ito

    Did you know that the Dominican Republic ranks first as the Antillean country with the greatest biological diversity? The lack of awareness has caused a wear in the natural areas with the greatest tourist potential, therefore an Eco Glamping Mirador Hotel that solves both the tourist demand and the restoration of the environment. This is located in Jarabacoa, a place where there is no great variety of tourist activities.


    As main concept The Orchid.

    In honor of the town, since this is endemic to Jarabacoa, they can be found in the forests because they are born as wild flowers. In Jarabacoa, the flower festival is held every year, where it has a great participation.

    Se desarrolló con base en las etapas de crecimiento que posee la orquídea.Un organismo que puede producir su propio alimento, crecer en una amplia variedad de climas y aprovechar las características únicas de otros organismos en el ecosistema para auto propagarse.

    HE~GLAM is an ecological hotel located at Av. La Confluencia 80, Urb. Rincón, Jarabacoa 41000, where there will be: restaurants, recreational areas, viewpoints with natural environments, in this way we provide innovative accommodations and we will attract the attention of tourists of the island. Apart from having a striking envelope, paths that connect to each other, to keep the user integrated in the project.

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Eco Mont – Condo Hotel Ecológico Inclusivo

    Ecomont – Inclusive Ecological Condo Hotel

    Ecomont – Inclusive Ecological Condo Hotel

    Monte Cristi, Dom. Rep.

    Made by: Charatza Ruiz, Ivanny Bautista and Odelis Caamaño

    Professor: Arch. Sarah Tió


    With the intention of promoting tourism and the well-being of users, the design of an Inclusive Ecological Condo Hotel has been proposed, which through sustainable architecture, uses adequate materiality, creating inclusive spaces accessible to all public.

    Did you know that in the Dominican Republic 15% of the population has a disability? In turn, did you know that in Punta Cana, between 2015 and 2016 there was a difference of 2,550 tourists with a disability? That is why we present an Inclusive Ecological CondoHotel, which guarantees the highest level of well-being, comfort and development for tourists and residents, using the natural context as the main concept, taking into account sustainable strategies and providing a universal design to improve the user experience. Located in a little explored corner but with unforgettable attractions of the northwest region, the Montecristi province, thus achieving the development of ecotourism in the region.

    The project consists of the design of an Inclusive Ecological Condotel, located on Av. San Fernando, in the San Fernando sector, Montecristi, Dominican Republic. Responding to the lack of tourism in the area and offering inclusive spaces.

    An inclusive architectural proposal that combines the relationship with nature, the comfort and well-being of the human being, through interior and exterior gardens, spaces with natural lighting and ventilation and the implementation of strategies certified by the Living Building Challenge.

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design