Once the project has been presented and redesign for improvements, we proceed with the last phase of the DIX subject, to make the document of the executive project, which consists of giving life to the project through construction plans. Achieving in this way, it is the graphic representation of the future work where the materials and the manufacturing process are exactly defined. In other words, the plans are the recipe that our workshop must follow to exactly build the future work.
These are made up of the following documentation:
1. Architecture Plans
2. Structural Plans
3. Technical plans: Electrical and Plumbing.
4. Construction system documents.
5. Planos de detalles constructivos.
6. Management of catalogs and current international standards.
7. Coherence, consistency and graphic and written concordance.
It is worth noting the difference between the presentation plans for the purpose of graphic understanding for the client and the construction plans with the aim of documenting all the technicalities necessary to build the project.
Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design