For the DIX subject that I teach at the School of Architecture of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra @EAD_PUCMM, the third unit consists of the presentation of the project, that is, for this stage the useful forms are already translated de los resultados de toda la investigación y análisis previos, representados gráficamente.
Achieving the transition of a subjective idea and its materialization, projected in a space that gives meaning to the architectural process. Forming what is called a blueprint.
Composed by:
1. Descriptive memory.
2. Architectural plans: Two-dimensional documents.
3. Three-dimensional documents.
4. Views and visuals, video or virtual reality.
In professional practice, these documents lend themselves to starting permits for construction purposes in entities such as the mayor's office and the national environmental directorate, as well as allowing the setting out on site to start construction.
In an academic way, it is the preamble to the definition of the project, where at this point the proposal can be evaluated for purposes of improvement or redesign to continue with the last phase: the executive project, which is known as construction plans, which include the technicality and documented engineering to start the work.
As an example of a preliminary project, I share with you the work carried out by the RAICES Interactive Center for Art and Culture project.
Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design