For the DIX subject that I teach at the School of Architecture of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra @EAD_PUCMM, the second unit consists of the projection of the project where we form the program, the scope, estimation of square footage and the development phases of the project architectural.
The formation of the architectural project helps us how to form the program of activities and use, the scope, estimation of square footage and the phases of development of the project, represented in a set of plans, drawings, diagrams and explanatory texts used to capture the design of a building.
- Project cycle. Description of the project, conceptual objective, activities and requirements.
- Levels of commitments according to the stage. Project scope, time, availability and possibility; program of areas, description of the areas, spatial relationship and usable area.
- Document management according to the stages of the project. Development of the preliminary project (defined design) to later form it as an executive project (construction plans).
To develop an architectural project, a preliminary research process is carried out that guides the architect in his task throughout the entire project. The interpretation that the architect makes of the results of this stage is what largely defines the personality of the project. Three basic activities are identified at this start of the process:
- Project definition: Scope, need and objectives.
- Program approach: spatial initial stage in response to needs. El comparables analysis a good resource to form the program and the typology to be designed.
- Interpretation of the program: The needs of the client are studied and according to their interpretation and professional capacity, the objectives to be investigated are established before making a proposal.
- Schematization: From the Architectural Program, the designer makes a graphic scheme, where he mentions the space they occupy for the development of their activities, in which he represents each and every one of the elements of the program relating them.
- Conceptuazción: Diseño del esquema básico. Es considerado un proceso creativo donde traducimos en formas útiles los resultados de todas las etapas anteriores, que serán representadas gráficamente en las etapas posteriores.
At the end of this phase 2, we have the measurable scope of the project, full understanding thanks to the information collected and analyzed to start the final part of this stage, the game: project design conceptualization.
As an example of this phase of the matter, I share with you the work carried out by the Cognitive Traumatology Center.
Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design