Category: Workshops

Metodología implementada  en talleres y miniworkshops para en Arqutiectos y Diseñadores de interiores.

  • Análisis de Comparables y Casos de Estudios

    Comparable Analysis and Case Studies

    En arquitectura surgen los escenarios de la creación de una tipología o programa de áreas propio e innovador según las necesidades planteadas para diseñar.

    Para la asignatura de DIX realizamos análisis de comparables y casos de estudio con el objetivo de evaluar el valor de las áreas y sus relación utilizando las métricas de otros proyectos de dimensión similar o actividades a fines.

    El ejercicio constituye el principal gestor de la acción proyectual del estudio de las condiciones propias de cada proyecto, en relación a otros, evaluando campos del conocimiento y posibles teorías alternativas, podemos obtener una interpretación que permita tanto su comprensión veraz como la apertura a nuevos caminos en el proyecto de arquitectura. 

    El análisis de un proyecto arquitectónico, construido o no construido, se plantea cómo el estudio de una serie de parámetros dentro de diferentes categorías para su posterior síntesis integral que comprende toda la complejidad del proyecto. Para el mismo, además de la herramienta del lenguaje, es imprescindible el uso de todas las herramientas gráficas y constructivas que tengamos a nuestro alcance, esto es:  diagramas, dibujos, croquis, plantas, secciones, alzados, perspectivas, axonometrías, imágenes, maquetas, etc. 

    El análisis comparativo de los casos de estudio profundiza de forma crítica en la exploración de diferencias u semejanzas, y tiene como referencia fundamental la metodología empleada en el libro “A genealogía of Modern Architecture”de Kenneth Frampton que estructura la crítica en cuatro categorías de análisis: 

    1. Tipología vs Contexto.
    2. Público, semi-público, Privado y espacio de servicio.
    3. Movilidad y accesibilidad.
    4. Estructura y cerramiento. 

    Los casos de estudios seleccionados para realizar el análisis comparativo pretende contrastar realidades locales y globales, y reflexionar sobre dicotomías existentes en la práctica arquitectónica como lo especifico y lo universal, lo artesanal y lo industrial. 

    En ese sentido, la curaduría trata seleccionar, desde una posición crítica, casos relevantes desde el punto de vista:

    1. Comparables tipológicos (con similitud  en su programa de áreas).
    2. Referentes analógicos (por su semejanza, ya sea funcionalidad, relación espacial, forma, estética, entre otros).

    Utilizados como objetos de estudio que puedan establecer afinidades para una comparación estructural que va más allá de aspectos estéticos y lingüísticos. La comparación se entiende como un método pedagógico en el aprendizaje deviene del descubrimiento de semejanzas ocultas que pueden construir un discurso teórico y relevar nuevos conceptos y estrategias proyéctales.

    Como fundamento metolodólgico les recomiendo realizar una matriz de modo de resumen donde podemos visualizar la síntesis de todos los casos de estudios estudiados y poder comparar de manera rápida con el conocimiento adquirido. 

    Con esto podemos concluir con resultados del estudio de comparables podemos realizar recomendaciones a partir de lo existente y efectuar la toma de desiciones de manera pertinente y lo más acertada en la formación del proyecto arquitectónico.  

    Ejemplo de lo explicado, a continuación podrán ver el análisis de comparables del Proyecto Centro Comunitario de Atención Primaria y Ambulatoria. 

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • He Glam- Hotel Ecoglamping Mirador

    He Glam- Hotel Ecoglamping


    Jarabacoa, Dom. Rep.

    Made by: Charatza Ruiz, Ivanny Bautista and Odelis Caamaño

    Professor: Arch. Sarah Tió


    It arises as an architectural response to tourist welfare in the intervention area that corresponds to Jarabacoa belonging to the province of La Vega.

    Starting from the concept of the endemic flower (the orchid), this project will be specifically dedicated to those users who want a short-term stay in relaxing, comfortable spaces with natural views.

    “We are getting further and further from nature. We no longer know if it is cold or hot in a building. You have to look for materials in nature”

    Arq. Toyo Ito

    Did you know that the Dominican Republic ranks first as the Antillean country with the greatest biological diversity? The lack of awareness has caused a wear in the natural areas with the greatest tourist potential, therefore an Eco Glamping Mirador Hotel that solves both the tourist demand and the restoration of the environment. This is located in Jarabacoa, a place where there is no great variety of tourist activities.


    As main concept The Orchid.

    In honor of the town, since this is endemic to Jarabacoa, they can be found in the forests because they are born as wild flowers. In Jarabacoa, the flower festival is held every year, where it has a great participation.

    Se desarrolló con base en las etapas de crecimiento que posee la orquídea.Un organismo que puede producir su propio alimento, crecer en una amplia variedad de climas y aprovechar las características únicas de otros organismos en el ecosistema para auto propagarse.

    HE~GLAM is an ecological hotel located at Av. La Confluencia 80, Urb. Rincón, Jarabacoa 41000, where there will be: restaurants, recreational areas, viewpoints with natural environments, in this way we provide innovative accommodations and we will attract the attention of tourists of the island. Apart from having a striking envelope, paths that connect to each other, to keep the user integrated in the project.

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Eco Mont – Condo Hotel Ecológico Inclusivo

    Ecomont – Inclusive Ecological Condo Hotel

    Ecomont – Inclusive Ecological Condo Hotel

    Monte Cristi, Dom. Rep.

    Made by: Charatza Ruiz, Ivanny Bautista and Odelis Caamaño

    Professor: Arch. Sarah Tió


    With the intention of promoting tourism and the well-being of users, the design of an Inclusive Ecological Condo Hotel has been proposed, which through sustainable architecture, uses adequate materiality, creating inclusive spaces accessible to all public.

    Did you know that in the Dominican Republic 15% of the population has a disability? In turn, did you know that in Punta Cana, between 2015 and 2016 there was a difference of 2,550 tourists with a disability? That is why we present an Inclusive Ecological CondoHotel, which guarantees the highest level of well-being, comfort and development for tourists and residents, using the natural context as the main concept, taking into account sustainable strategies and providing a universal design to improve the user experience. Located in a little explored corner but with unforgettable attractions of the northwest region, the Montecristi province, thus achieving the development of ecotourism in the region.

    The project consists of the design of an Inclusive Ecological Condotel, located on Av. San Fernando, in the San Fernando sector, Montecristi, Dominican Republic. Responding to the lack of tourism in the area and offering inclusive spaces.

    An inclusive architectural proposal that combines the relationship with nature, the comfort and well-being of the human being, through interior and exterior gardens, spaces with natural lighting and ventilation and the implementation of strategies certified by the Living Building Challenge.

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Raíces – Centro Interactivo del Arte y la Cultura

    Roots – Interactive Center for Art and Culture


    Samana, Dom. Rep.

    Realizado por: Laura Guzmán, Franklin Castillo y Emily Burgos

    Professor: Arch. Sarah Tió


    Did you know that the Dominican Republic was identified as a paradise of cultural wealth? This was recognized by UNESCO as a Cultural Heritage of Humanity, therefore we find it pertinent to develop an Interactive Center for Art and Culture that makes known all the elements and historical wealth that represent us as Dominicans and in turn solves the tourist demand of the Dominican Republic. environmental restoration. We are located in Samaná, a tourist place with a stable development within the cultural and historical aspect.

    The project called the interactive center of art and culture is located in the city of Santa Bárbara de Samaná, province of Samaná, Dominican Republic; the following complements the tourist demand of the province, and proposes an innovative typology that seeks to highlight the identity by showing itself as a benchmark for the country. the architectural proposal of this center seeks to increase tourism in the area, taking advantage of the qualities of the place, and highlighting these to capture the attention of its users.

    The architectural proposal of this center seeks to increase tourism in the area, taking advantage of the qualities of the place, and highlighting these to capture the user's attention. 

    The variety of activities that take place inside go around interaction, the user is the author of the tour and he can manipulate everything that captures his attention. 


    The concept starts from the mangroves, understanding their behavior and their life cycle, the project reflects that lightness, connection and path of the mangroves. 

    The central volume embraces the topography and connects the blocks and specialized areas. each block is fed by the central volume and the way in which these communication elements generate that route for the user. 

    Area Program

    The project has a total area of 78,886.98 m2, the intervention area forms the polygon, the boardwalk in front of Av. Marina and the port. Its areas are divided into 3 blocks, block A is the museum, block B is the library, and block C is the auditorium. From these blocks the complementary blocks are born, which are block AB, which is an exhibition hall, and block bc, which is a conference room. The project also has a volume located on the boardwalk intended for rental businesses, a port that handles maritime traffic, and a pedestrian bridge that works as a connector for the entire project. 

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Bregalito – Centro Terapéutico de Salud Mental

    Bregalito – Mental Health Therapeutic Center


    Jarabacoa, Dom. Rep.

    Realizado por: Erick Quezada, Jafeisi Ventura e Isabel Read.

    Professor: Arch. Sarah Tió


    What if I told you that 442 suicides were recorded in the Dominican Republic the year before? And not only that, but according to the WHO in the DR, spending on mental health barely reaches 4.7 pesos per person, one of the lowest investments in Latin America. This is why we propose the creation of a Therapeutic and Healing Space for mental health. We live in a society where the population does not recognize mental health as an essential need for the quality of life of human beings, where there is a lack of awareness, accessibility and recognition of mental conditions, such as diseases. Through a different architectural proposal that integrates open and versatile spaces, natural lighting, a white between what is built and what is natural and other Healing Environment strategies, in the National District to intervene mental health problems in a dignified way and respond to the existing taboo about it.

    Because there are 1.75 beds for mental health for every 100,000 inhabitants in the Dominican Republic, where Public Health indicates that 20% of the population suffers from mental disorders, for this reason we designed a mental rehabilitation hospital located in Jarabacoa due to its views towards the mountains, lending the building an air of openness and connection with nature, where each area has its own characteristics, responding directly to the needs demanded. 

    Además de aprovechar ciertas condiciones climáticas para enriquecer el concepto de islas flotantes que se desarrolla en las instalaciones, esto se debe a que anualmente el río Yaque del Norte se desborda e inunda las tierras que lo rodean. 

    Sustainability goals The project seeks to take advantage of the conditions that surround it, which is why it is supported by resolutions such as: 

    The environment: This seeks a quiet and isolated environment that promotes the mental health of the person, freeing them from stress and anxiety. 

    The funcionality: works on both the social and individual development of the person within the building, in addition to promoting activities such as gardening for the well-being of the person and holistic rehabilitation. 

    Project Objectives 

    The strategy for landscape design was based on the idea of floating islands, this aims to respond to possible flooding of the Yaque del Norte River, and in turn adapt to the existing flora in the place and integration with nature, responding with marked environment. 

    The project seeks to understand the materials, which are understood to play an important role in our emotions, seeks connectivity between the interior and exterior of the project, has flexible facades, incorporates water mirrors to create spaces of calm. 

    Project proposal 

    Creation of healing environments, such as orchards, accessibility spaces for communication, relaxation spaces as well as leisure areas, automatic doors for people in wheelchairs, implementation of the Zen garden as a central point of union and in turn serves to generate the peace and harmony within the project, air conditioning systems such as the mesh, the use of water sources to seek a representation of the springs. Wide corridors, with good visuals, and creation of spaces that seek freedom when walking.  


    Starting point of the project 

    It focuses on generating spaces that respond to the needs of the person, architecture and well-being. Offering quality and safe services, that are connected to nature, and that also have good lighting, visuals, ventilation and good perception. 

    Structural Foundations 

    The building is a steel structure, raised on stilts, covered with 12mm laminated mirrors and standard 1220 x 2440mm sheets. In addition, it has materials such as: 

    • Glass.
    • Metal Mesh: It is a versatile material, since it can be used for multiple things depending on the thickness and the handling that is provided. 
    • Black Steel: square-shaped structural steel tube, manufacturing standard NTE INEN 2415; SAE quality J 403 1008;  

    Use of steel in context  


    Thanks to the use of steel, the structure allows us to have large spans, and achieve the concept of adapting to the topography, being able to create elevated platforms, as well as bridges and ramps, also responding to conceptual issues. It allows us to use the trusses as both a structural and aesthetic element. And thanks to the metal deck structure we can create a light structure. 


    Program areas contain mesh or perforated stainless steel panels, which are designed to accommodate spatial and structural connections. The mesh works as a permeable roof, lattice, floor or semi-open partition wall. Thus working in a permeable way, allowing ventilation and sunlight, being perfectly united, forming a unique functional and organizational structure. 

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • ANTILLAS – Centro de Sanación para la Salud Mental

    ANTILLES – Healing Center for Mental Health


    Puerto Plata, Dom. Rep.

    Realizado por: Alexander Bello, Kiara Santana y Alina Bueno

    Professor: Arch. Sarah Tió


    Did you know that mental health is a fundamental aspect for the well-being of the human being and that little is talked about? Today in the Dominican Republic due to social stigmas towards mental illnesses, there is a lack of awareness and accessibility to mental health. And not only that, but according to the WHO, of the health budget in the Dominican Republic, barely 0.4 percent is allocated to mental health, one of the lowest investments in Latin America.  

    For this reason, the creation of a Therapeutic and Healing Space for mental health is pertinent. A different architectural proposal that integrates open and versatile spaces, Healing Environment strategies, to intervene in a dignified way, mental health problems. 

    The creation of this center aims to  

    1. RReduce the global mortality rate,  

    2. FStrengthen the prevention and treatment of the abuse of addictive substances and; 

    3. RStrengthen the capacity of countries in terms of early warning and risk reduction.


    Within Latin America we approach the Dominican Republic, in the province of Puerto Plata, specifically in the municipality of Puerto Plata. The land is located on Carretera Cantabria, close to the Sabana Grande Elementary School in the La Uva sector. It is located on the outskirts of the city, close to the urbanized sectors The Torre Alta urbanization and Maripica o Cocacola.   

    It is strategically located to expand health coverage to the northern zone, which has a deficit of facilities to cover mental illnesses. 

    UA wide expanse of land characterized by its rugged topography and abundant vegetation, close to an easily accessible Major Avenue. The land is surrounded by natural landscapes, such as the Isabel Torres National Park and the Atlantic Ocean, which provide maritime and forest views to the project. 

    A partir de los 7 Pilares de la arquitectura Curativa del Arquitecto Stefan Lundin. se construye la base conceptual del proyecto en donde se plantean estrategias como: 

    • Achieve a building that welcomes 
    • Design individual rooms and unit as a whole 
    • Direct and active contact between patients and staff 
    • Provide small seating areas 
    • Provide small seating areas 
    • Access to outside climate and vegetation 
    • Evoke perceptions of health and safety. 

    Likewise, The conceptualization of Antilles starts from the contextual architecture. It is made up of two aspects: the first being the essence of Antillean architecture where its characteristics are translated into architectural gestures such as organic, permeable, round angles, pastel colors, sloping ceilings; and secondly, the environmental strengths of its location such as terraced areas, topography, visual approach, vegetation and finally the identification of axes and critical points.   

    The conception process begins by identifying the environmental aspects, then proceeded to place the area program on the ground from the aspect of fragmentation, which is based on the fact that the Caribbean is fragmented both physically and culturally, being the caribbean sea the one that unites and divides. Finally, the application of Antillean gestures to obtain language and form.   


    In addition, analyzes of references that possess the Healing Environment strategies were carried out, in order to be used in the interventions of thespaces, both interior and exterior. Strategies, such as creating areas publicsand transition, implementation of various scales, balance between occupation and green, creation of ambientes acatchers and the use of natural light. 

     In relation to the spatial distribution, the center Antillas It is divided in two. The first being an outpatient area for rehabilitation and consultations, and the second an area for hospitalization and internment. 

    In the surroundings of the buildings there are different areas of rest and green areas that serve as connectors and transition spaces. Like, orchards which are used by and for patients. Allowing a constant dialogue between patient, caregiver and the environment.  

    Having mentioned this, we can specify that our ambulatory area encompasses the first two buildings, and its plazoleta pública. Due to the spatial flexibility offered by the structural distribution in steel, both buildings are on the ground floor and have inside, medical offices, rehabilitation rooms, un ala de investigación, un centro de diagnóstico, un taller educativo, una cafetería y el área administrativa.  

     It is worth highlighting the evidence of the concept of fragmentation in the building plans, since it is shown in a modern and contemporary way when it normally manifests itself in rural areas. 

    The areas mentioned are connected through walkways and transitory areas green spaces, as presented in the image. These offer multiple connections to a natural environment natural and permeable to the user. 

    The hospitalization area is located on the upper levels, giving it a character of privacy, normality and hierarchy, thanks to its elegant and cozy V columns. When accessing this area, the first scenario with which the user interacts is with the large outside terrace. This is the central space of the third building, which serves as a viewpoint and from which you can access the 4 occupational therapy rooms, the gym and the dining room. 

    As we enter the fourth building, we see how all the areas of thefirst level they are radially connected in a central garden, from which you can access, through ramps, the upper level, which has single, double and triple rooms. 

    As we can see in this detail of the facade, solar panels and gutters for collecting water, rest on the sloping roofs, as well as green roofs that help the thermal comfort of the spaces and improve air quality. Also, it is important to highlight that a technical floor rests on the metal deck of the hospitalization building due to the slope of this mezzanine, this to allow the leveling of the rooms and the passage of the ducts and pipes.  

    We can see in the longitudinal section, how the architectural entity adapts to the terrain through three terraces, which allow the user to enjoy panoramic views and contact with nature. 

    In the same way, the center makes use of underground spaces, locating the maintenance and service areas in them. These are made possible by the use of sheet piling steel retaining walls. 

    Likewise, towards the top of the land, we find the elegant dormitory building, which is distributed axially and rests on structural steel columns in a "V" shape.  

    In the same way, the cross-section shows the permeability treatment in the building, which helps improve thermal comfort through cross ventilation.  


    As we can see in the image, thanks to steel and its aesthetic appeal, a sense of neutrality and tranquility is reflected in the interiors.columns, which have a sky blue finish, work harmoniously with the large glass windows and the landscape creating a safe and open environment for the user. 

    The steel structural system is based on the use of "V" and "Y" columns, as a parametric structural proposal, these represent hierarchy and provide spatial flexibility, high resistance and ductility to spaces. In the same way, they generate free floors and walkways, which give way to the easy mobility of the user, enriching their experience at the same time. 

    The structure seen is based on the first pillar of curative architecture, which is to implement a structure that promotes dignity. The users of the center cohabit with steel as the main material, and this addresses the essential needs to inhabit a space through well-being and comfort. 

    As the base of the structure, the use of continuous concrete footings was implemented, on which pedestals rest that are divided into two inclined steel tubes. These allow axial loads to be resisted, limiting the bending derived from large spans. 

    The aesthetics of the buildings is based on the structure, and the combination of structural systems, such as "V" and "Y" columns and strip footings that provide greater resistance due to the presence of uneven terrain. On the other hand, for both the mezzanine and the roof, W beams are used that support a metaldeck, these provide security against hurricanes and rigidity for the necessary comfort in the building. 

    In this way, Antilles provides the necessary infrastructure to deal with mental health problems in the Dominican Republic in a dignified manner. Evoking an atmosphere of social interaction, normality and security to its users.

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Centro Traumatológico Cognitivo

    Cognitive Trauma Center


    Santiago de los Caballeros, Dom. Rep.

    Made by: Marcelle Gómez, Sailenys Rosario and Mariela Olivero

    Professor: Arch. Sarah Tió


    What would you say if I told you that the 2nd cause of death in the Dominican Republic is traffic accidents and this represents 74% of mortality in the country's metropolitan cities? The lack of post-trauma treatment affects the quality of life of the victims, for this reason we developed the Cognitive Traumatology Center which will respond to all the physical and mental needs of the affected people, in turn it would reduce the mortality rate due to accidents transit, we will be offering wellness and health spaces designed to improve physical and psychological health. This is located in the City of Santiago, which has the highest rate of trauma accidents in the country.

    The hospital is located in the Baracoa sector in the city of Santiago because it has the highest rate of car accidents, through this project we seek to solve this problem. The project consists of two emergency areas, hospitalization, rehabilitation, surgical areas, cafeteria and an awareness space located in the green areas of the project. The hospital seeks to create a healing environment that, through its spaces and visuals, makes the patient's healing process efficient and reduces the pain of family members.

    El Cognitive Trauma Center It is located in the city of Santiago, Baracoa sector between Av. Imbert and Av. Circunvalación. This responds to the physical and mental needs of the affected people, in turn, it will reduce the mortality rate due to traffic accidents and injuries on a regional scale. We offer wellness and health spaces aimed at improving physical and psychological health.

    The activities to be carried out are: Prioritize the physical and mental health of those affected, consultations, emergency assistance, physical medicine, rehabilitation and preventive guidance with the aim of providing a sanitation space to speed up and make the healing process of affected patients more efficient. , intervening both the physical and the mental through space, unlike everyday buildings, it seeks to create a strong relationship with nature as a psychological resource for healing. 

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • ALDEA – Centro Comunitario de Atención Primaria y Ambulatoria

    ALDEA – Community Center for Primary and Ambulatory Care


    Azua de Compostela, Dom. Rep.

    Produced by: Karol Ventura, Liana Reyes and María Echavarría

    Professor: Arch. Sarah Tió


    The main focus in this project is to establish a space that, in addition to providing physical health to its patients, also establishes the cultural identity of this city in a more palpable way, from there we start with the proposal of the Primary Care Community Center. From this point we will analyze in more detail the design strategies that will be used, the location of the selected land, the analysis of the place of the established province, among others.

    ALDEA - Centro Comunitario de Atención Primaria y Ambulatoria 01

    Did you know that 33% of people in rural areas have limited access to health services in the country? As a consequence, these areas are characterized by having high rates of maternal and infant mortality and preventable or controllable diseases. This is why we are going to create a Community Primary Care Center, where people with limited resources will have basic health services available to them within their communities. Through permeable and inclusive spaces, we will teach awareness and education workshops on preventable or controllable diseases and within this, to be able to be treated in a primary way. These will be located within rural areas with greater limitations. Created by and for the community, thus growing fellowship and regional identity, in turn obtaining equitable access to health for these communities. 

    The Primary Care Community Center has as its function to provide the community of Azua as its function to provide the community of Azua de Compostela and its adjacent ones with an immediate health service and equipped with a community center for the use of its inhabitants, increasing not only its tourism , but also its economy and quality of life of its inhabitants.

    The objective is to be able to provide a vital space for community integration that also responds to the health needs of the users who frequent it. Its activities include health promotion and prevention, consultations, attention to cultural demand, nursing and emergency assistance, and community orientation. 

    The project has a total of 21,352 m2, made up of 3 main blocks categorized by color. In the first block, called Building 1, is the Outpatient Emergency Care program with an area of 4,144 m², the second block, Building 2, is responsible for hospitalization and offices for doctors and patients of 5,265 m² and the third block called Aldea Community of 1,175 m², it has classrooms and an auditorium for the community center. The green and recreational areas play an important role in this project because they connect with the user through nature and are the direct access to each block, they have a total area of 4,948 m². The main entrance has pedestrian and vehicular access and a bike path.

    The Comprehensive Maternal and Pediatric Health Center is a direct response to the health problems of the region as well as to the context that influences it. Creating the balance between a sensitive architectural response, a use of steel systems, direct contact with nature and the creation of a healing environment for each user. The architectural proposal seeks not only to revitalize the Montecristi area in the #1 health destination for Maternal and Child care, but also seeks to integrate as part of the community and be a vital part of it, in order to improve it as a whole.

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • VITAE – Centro de Salud Integral Maternal y Pediátrico

    VITAE – Maternal and Pediatric Comprehensive Health Center


    Monte Cristi, Dom. Rep.

    Made by: Hiara Andújar, Carla Méndez and Isabela Díaz.

    Professor: Arch. Sarah Tió


    Every day that passes, the field of medicine faces new challenges. New diseases, new discoveries, new medicines, new problems by region, and although we often do not see the relationship, Architecture can guarantee the advantage or disadvantage that medicine faces in the face of these challenges. This is why when focusing on Architecture for health, we must not simply see how we can respond in our language to health demands, but also how our contributions to design can directly or indirectly affect the improvement of this problem. This is the main objective of this design process: Not only to provide an architectural language to the environment in which it is located, but also how to solve one of the biggest problems facing the Health sector in the Dominican Republic, such as the high death rate. maternal and infant.

    Did you know that in 2017, 88% of maternal and child deaths are identified as preventable and 85% of them are related to the lack of quality of care? The lack of attention to this situation makes it necessary to develop a Comprehensive Maternal and Pediatric Health Center. With quality services and spaces of universal access that ensure and protect the lives of hundreds of newborn children, vulnerable women and young mothers, we will provide a solution to one of the most worrying health problems in the country. This is located in the border area, which has the highest rate of maternal mortality at the national level, 154.1 deaths per 10,000 live births, significantly higher than the national average (107.1) and the main economic centers of the country (National District, Santo Domingo and Santiago). 

    In response to the current framework of the health and well-being situation in the Dom. Rep., the students have developed the project Maternal and Pediatric Comprehensive Health Center, located at C/Pimentel, esq. C/27 de Febrero, in the Bella Vista Sector, located in Monte Cristi, Dominican Republic. Responding to the lack of care and quality services for vulnerable young women, pregnant women and children. The center is intended to create an atmosphere of relaxation by establishing a balance between the natural landscape and hospital facilities, offering quality spaces and promoting community and learning activities. 

    Medical care 

    Unit where all specializations will be treated from consultations, primary care to surgical treatments. Divided by specialization: Pediatrics, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Emergencies, Diagnostics, Pathologies, etc. 


    The main function of this unit is the comprehensive care of mother and child through procedures that require bed rest, medical surveillance, nursing care and support of auxiliary methods of diagnosis and treatment. 


    It is the unit in charge of directing, managing, controlling and coordinate programs, human, material and financial resources, as well as enforce the rules, regulations, provisions that help improve the efficiency of the services of each unit 

    Áreas sociales 

    Áreas designadas para estimular la interacción social entre personal médico y pacientes. A su vez engloba aquellas áreas de espacios verdes y zonas de mejoramiento personal. 


    Areas for the efficient operation of the Health Center and its needs. From technicians to cleaning and sterilization of surgical equipment. Everything necessary so that the work to be carried out complies with the necessary standards. In turn, services for user efficiency, from parking to security. 

    Education and Psychosocial Assistance 

    Areas of personal and community improvement, where users are helped in sexual educational contexts and Psychosocial Assistance. It seeks the mental well-being of the users who join and in turn the overcoming of this. 

    The Comprehensive Maternal and Pediatric Health Center is a direct response to the health problems of the region as well as to the context that influences it. Creating the balance between a sensitive architectural response, the use of steel systems, a direct contact with nature and the creation of a healing environment for each user. The architectural proposal seeks not only to revitalize the Montecristi area in the #1 health destination for Maternal and Child care, but also seeks to integrate as part of the community and be a vital part of it, in order to improve it as a whole.

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Fundamentos del Color 3ra Edición – Benjamin Moore

    Fundamentals of Color 3rd Edition – Benjamin Moore

    As an activity for teaching the color of the year and Benjamin Moore's chart of similar colors, Sarah Tió carries out the FUNDAMENTALS OF COLOR activity with the aim of understanding the product beyond a painting. 

    See the post of the first edition to learn more about the content of the workshop: Primer edición

    In this third edition it was aimed at architecture students with the aim of learning about color and knowing the possible combinations to use it as a strategy in their own designs.


    From a point of view as architects, the workshop exposes topics such as:


    The goal of the workshop is a better understanding of color harmonies and how we can create combinations with personality by translating them into adjectives.


    The final dynamic consisted of defining a project x to build an idea based on colors, textures, materiality and what we can translate into adjectives in order to put what we learned into practice and achieve greater understanding. In addition, the final result by group is exposed to all those involved in the activity.  

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design