In the May-August 2021 period, for the DIX Subject at @EAD_PUCMM we have focused on the development of the subject based on the ALACERO 2021 Contest.The theme of the Contest for 2021 is part of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Organization. The UN global action plan to change the world is made up of 17 objectives and 169 goals, within which the no. 3: Health and Wellness, as the theme for the Alacero Steel Design Contest.
With a quorum of 15 students, activities were carried out where we all work together and thus be able to optimize time and develop 5 projects in groups of 3.
Divided into 4 units, the subject was developed as follows:
1. Previous knowledge. As an introduction to the units, during a period of two weeks, we focused on understanding the bases of the contest, placing it in the national context, analysis and resolutions to define typology and possible place.
We do this part in random groups so that each student can interact with everyone.
2. The architectural context. Once the typology is defined, progress is made by performing an analysis of the place in order to gather documentation, analysis and resolutions for design purposes, this being the first unit of the subject.
At this stage, the team is divided into working groups of 3 people who will reach the end of the subject.
3. The architectural project. In this stage, the scope and area program are defined together with its immediate context in order to have the necessary information and documentation to start the design party.
4. Presentation of the Project. The preliminary project begins, where the main focus is the programmatic, spatial and volumetric solution of the project. As a starting point, we carry out the conceptualization process individually with the objective of having several options per team.
5. Executive Project. By team, decisions are made on the resolutions obtained in the individual conceptualization process to start the group conceptualization and therefore the development of the project, making matter with its respective set of technical plans: Architectural, Structural, Electrical and Sanitary .
On this occasion we developed 5 projects focused on the Health and Well-being of the Dominican Republic, listed in:
A. Comprehensive and Pediatric Health Center.
Grupo A: Hiara Andújar, Carla Méndez e Isabela Díaz.
B. Community Center for Primary and Ambulatory Care.
Group B: Karol Ventura, Liana Reyes, María Echavarría.
C. Trauma Center.
Group C: Marcelle Gómez, Sailenys Rosario, Mariela Olivero.
D. Healing Center for Mental Health.
Grupo D: Alexander Bello, Kiara Santana y Alina Bueno.
E. Mental Health Therapeutic Center.
Grupo E: Erick Quezada, Jafeisi Ventura, Isabel Read.
Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design