Category: Teaching

Publicaciones sobre Docencia en Arquitectura y Diseño Interior

  • Proyectos DIX – Periodo Mayo-Agosto 2021

    DIX Projects – Period May-August 2021

    In the May-August 2021 period, for the DIX Subject at @EAD_PUCMM we have focused on the development of the subject based on the ALACERO 2021 Contest.The theme of the Contest for 2021 is part of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Organization. The UN global action plan to change the world is made up of 17 objectives and 169 goals, within which the no. 3: Health and Wellness, as the theme for the Alacero Steel Design Contest.

    With a quorum of 15 students, activities were carried out where we all work together and thus be able to optimize time and develop 5 projects in groups of 3. 

    Divided into 4 units, the subject was developed as follows:

    1. Previous knowledge. As an introduction to the units, during a period of two weeks, we focused on understanding the bases of the contest, placing it in the national context, analysis and resolutions to define typology and possible place.

    We do this part in random groups so that each student can interact with everyone.

    2. The architectural context. Once the typology is defined, progress is made by performing an analysis of the place in order to gather documentation, analysis and resolutions for design purposes, this being the first unit of the subject. 

    At this stage, the team is divided into working groups of 3 people who will reach the end of the subject.

    3. The architectural project. In this stage, the scope and area program are defined together with its immediate context in order to have the necessary information and documentation to start the design party.

    4. Presentation of the Project. The preliminary project begins, where the main focus is the programmatic, spatial and volumetric solution of the project. As a starting point, we carry out the conceptualization process individually with the objective of having several options per team. 

    5. Executive Project. By team, decisions are made on the resolutions obtained in the individual conceptualization process to start the group conceptualization and therefore the development of the project, making matter with its respective set of technical plans: Architectural, Structural, Electrical and Sanitary . 

    On this occasion we developed 5 projects focused on the Health and Well-being of the Dominican Republic, listed in:

    A.  Comprehensive and Pediatric Health Center

    Grupo A: Hiara Andújar, Carla Méndez e Isabela Díaz.

    B. Community Center for Primary and Ambulatory Care. 

    Group B: Karol Ventura, Liana Reyes, María Echavarría.


    C. Trauma Center.

    Group C: Marcelle Gómez, Sailenys Rosario, Mariela Olivero.

    D. Healing Center for Mental Health.

    Grupo D: Alexander Bello, Kiara Santana y Alina Bueno. 

    E. Mental Health Therapeutic Center.

    Grupo E: Erick Quezada, Jafeisi Ventura, Isabel Read.

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Fundamentos del Color 3ra Edición – Benjamin Moore

    Fundamentals of Color 3rd Edition – Benjamin Moore

    As an activity for teaching the color of the year and Benjamin Moore's chart of similar colors, Sarah Tió carries out the FUNDAMENTALS OF COLOR activity with the aim of understanding the product beyond a painting. 

    See the post of the first edition to learn more about the content of the workshop: Primer edición

    In this third edition it was aimed at architecture students with the aim of learning about color and knowing the possible combinations to use it as a strategy in their own designs.


    From a point of view as architects, the workshop exposes topics such as:


    The goal of the workshop is a better understanding of color harmonies and how we can create combinations with personality by translating them into adjectives.


    The final dynamic consisted of defining a project x to build an idea based on colors, textures, materiality and what we can translate into adjectives in order to put what we learned into practice and achieve greater understanding. In addition, the final result by group is exposed to all those involved in the activity.  

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design 

  • Fundamentos del Color 2da Edición – Benjamin Moore

    Fundamentals of Color 2nd Edition – Benjamin Moore

    As an activity for teaching the color of the year and Benjamin Moore's chart of similar colors, Sarah Tió carries out the FUNDAMENTALS OF COLOR activity with the aim of understanding the product beyond a painting. 

    See the post of the first edition to learn more about the content of the workshop: Primer edición

    In this second edition, it was aimed at interior designer students with the aim of learning about color and knowing the possible combinations to use it as a strategy in their own designs.


    From a point of view as interior designers, the workshop exposes topics such as:


    The goal of the workshop is a better understanding of color harmonies and how we can create combinations with personality by translating them into adjectives.


    The final dynamic consisted of randomly assigning a client, in this case recognized characters were taken to build an idea from what is known about them, after this as designers and together with the understanding of the topics discussed, they propose panels of intentions, with physical materials, according to a specific space to be designed. 

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design 

  • Metodología de enseñanza aplicada

    Applied teaching methodology

    Enseñar es aprender dos veces”.   Joseph Joubert.

    When starting teaching, the first objective was to answer the question: What methodology will I implement in teaching interior designers and architects? 

    The starting point was the guidelines dictated by the university where I am part of the faculty. The Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra develops professionals through competency-based learning to develop the right skills according to the knowledge acquired. 

    Now, how can this be implemented to designers? To explain the teaching method applied, I have taken as an example one of the subjects I teach, to explain how it is developed in order to achieve the approaches of the academic institution. 

    The first thing to identify is the objective of the subject and what professional skills should be developed in the student. After this, they are classified and dimensioned using the Theory tool Bloom's Taxonomy, allowing as a teacher to set objectives at each level and, later, evaluate it easily and more effectively.

    After being able to identify the levels of learning from lower to higher and how these are acquired for the development of their training and professional skills, the learning methodologies to be applied are identified as well as the dynamics in the classroom and their scope to be carried out through activities. , both group and individual, according to the planning of the subject achieving the goals set. 

    As a final stage, the evaluation methods are established to assess the gradual learning process. through blogs and similar presentation tools with the aim of avoiding free interpretation, but rather that it works as a feedback to the student and the teacher in a history. 

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Línea del tiempo Materiales y Técnicas de Construcción II – Enero 2021

    Timeline Construction Materials and Techniques II – January 2021

    During the period January - May in Construction Materials and Techniques I at the School of Architecture of the PUCMM @EAD_PUCMM, where the interior design student develops criteria that allow understanding the behavior, physical and sensory qualities of the nature of the material, to apply appropriate construction techniques as the case warrants.

    Unit 3 of this course is about learning about materials and their use in history. That said, in order to understand the different periods of art history, it was assigned as a practice to develop a timeline graphically in a summary and understanding of the unidad.

    Below I share the Timeline made by interior design student Mayerling Taveras.

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Fundamentos del Color 1ra Edición – Benjamin Moore

    Foundations of Color 1st Edition – Benjamin Moore

    As an activity for teaching the color of the year and Benjamin Moore's chart of similar colors, Sarah Tió carries out the FUNDAMENTALS OF COLOR activity with the aim of understanding the product beyond a painting. 

    In this first edition it was aimed at professionals immersed in the world of design; attended: architects, interior designers, advertisers, marketers, graphic designers and any professional with an interest in color. 

    The talk is divided into 4 acts:

    1. THEORY OF COLOR. It is the theoretical part of the activity and the applied teaching methodology is through an interactive presentation and examples to associate what is exposed, it is explained where the color comes from. 
    2. HE COLOR OF THE YEAR. Starting from the description of the color chosen by Benjamin Moore, color is analyzed as an adjective and the terminology of color is exposed, as well as the characteristics that make it up. 
    3. COLOR HARMONIES. After understanding where the color comes from, the color combinations are presented, composition ranges of colors that have common characteristics, already identified in order to carry out the last act. 
    4. CREATE A MOODBOARD. After analyzing the possible combinations of color and understanding that this strategy is not static, that is, we can break it with a conceptual criterion of color intentions and therefore materials, textures, adjectives and qualities, to create our own designs. 


    At the end of the activity, each team formed by choice exposes the color combination created and describes the space where it will be used. 

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design 

  • Inspiración de época – Materiales y Técnicas de construcción I

    Vintage Inspiration – Materials and Construction Techniques I

    During the period January - May in Materials and Construction Techniques I in the Interior Design career of the PUCMM School of Architecture @EAD_PUCMM, where the interior design student develops criteria that allow understanding the behavior, physical and sensory qualities of the nature of the material, to apply the appropriate construction techniques as the case warrants.

    Unit 3 of this course is about learning about materials and their use in history. That said, in order to be able to evaluate the end of the unit and apply the knowledge acquired, a practice is assigned that consists of creating an inspiration from a period of studied history. 

    The activity consists of two acts: 

    1. Analyze the characteristic elements of a specific period of history of your choice. 
    2. Create a current inspiration based on the elements identified and through an analytical study of similarities, compare how innovative elements can be generated for an interior design today. 

    See the example marked in class of the Rococo artistic movement, where the taste for bright, soft and clear colors is identified and forms inspired by nature predominate. It is a basically mundane art, without religious influences, that deals with themes of daily life and human relationships, a style that seeks to reflect what is pleasant, refined, exotic and sensual.

    From this, construction materials that can reflect Rococo inspiration are identified to be applied to surfaces of an interior space. 

    See below the example presented in class. 

    This activity allows the student to carry out an identification analysis of elements, such as materials, textures and colors in order to distinguish them and associate them with a period in the history of art. 


    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • “Design Thinking / Elevator Pitch” aplicada en la enseñanza de Arquitectura.

    "Design Thinking / Elevator Pitch" applied in the teaching of Architecture.

    For the DIX subject,  which is a great challenge because it is the last design to then work on the degree project, at the School of Architecture of the PUCMM @EAD_PUCMM, I apply the methodology "DESIGN THINKING" Creative Thinking, as an activity to determine which architectural project, define the typology and possible location of sites, to develop it throughout the course of matter, satisfying needs and providing answers to contextual problems in an innovative way and as a way of working in a group, maximizing collective creativity. 

    Seeing the students I always remember myself sitting down and paying attention to the assignments in order to obtain the necessary skills to be able to practice as an Architect and the time I had been investing just when I was in the final stretch. For this reason, seeing myself in the central axis of the classroom, adjacent to the blackboard and in front of the seats, I wanted to implement cutting-edge methodologies, not necessarily focused on architecture, but rather on design thinking in general to achieve resolutions architecture and to be able to develop a critical analysis beyond the point of view that our profession can offer.

    The first objective of the activity is to be able to determine a typology related to the topic to be developed, in this case the topic is: Health and Well-being. To achieve this we use two methodologies:


    A. Design Thinking: A way of working in a group that maximizes collective creativity. It is having a design thought to analyze something, a problem, just as a designer would do it, obviously in order to find a solution, which in this case, what typology will we design.

    : Linked with the previous phase in which we had created possible typologies, now together we analyze the reality of something that was ethereal. Once obtaining the "feedback" we incorporate the conclusions to improve the solution (typology)....

    1. Empathize: We begin with an understanding of the current health situation in the Dominican Republic. Understand what is happening and how it is developing, through practices delivered online.

    After this, we carry out a face-to-face workshop that through an activity assigned by times of 15 minutes in order to optimize the learning flow in a time period of 45 minutes, we carry out the following three (3) phases:

    2. Define: We filter the information collected during the empathy phase and we keep what really adds value and leads us to reach new perspectives to propose the typology.

    3. Ideas: Without limiting thought, that is to say that no idea is bad, on the contrary, quantity over quality we brainstorm, expansive thinking where anything can go and sometimes the rarest ideas are the ones that generate innovative solutions, we translate the definition into architectural language .

    4. Prototype: We build possible models of typologies that will help us give shape to what until now was an idea or concept. From now on, there is already a possible project, something that we can visualize.

    With this activity, the entire section divided into groups, we were already on the same page to be able to carry out the last phase.

    5. Evaluate: Linked with the previous phase in which we had created possible typologies, now together we analyze the reality of something that was ethereal. Once obtaining the "feedback" we incorporate the conclusions to improve the solution (typology).

    In this last step, we were able to identify which prototypes were similar or had common elements in order to unite or separate the use, thus obtaining five (5) defined typologies, one (1) for each group of three.

    As a last step, the way of presenting, the result of the entire previous process, the typology to be designed, was implementing the methodology or rather the presentation technique:

    B. Elevator Pitch: It is a short and concise speech, which aims to present a project, in this case that we are going to design, persuading the audience.

    Using this technique, a presentation paragraph was written to define each typology as if it were real life where the client to catch is in an elevator and you only have the travel time in it to be able to hook him.

    Looking back on everything that has been done, the student not only develops the necessary competence to be an architect, but also, as a professional problem-identifier, a critical analyst for the solution of approaches, presentation, graphic and verbal techniques, as well as being able to to hook a potential client or investors.

    Addendum: See the final result in the shared ISSUU post.

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design