Category: Teaching methodologies

Metodología implementada  en la  Docencia en Arquitectura y Diseño Interior

  • Metodología de enseñanza aplicada

    Applied teaching methodology

    Enseñar es aprender dos veces”.   Joseph Joubert.

    When starting teaching, the first objective was to answer the question: What methodology will I implement in teaching interior designers and architects? 

    The starting point was the guidelines dictated by the university where I am part of the faculty. The Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra develops professionals through competency-based learning to develop the right skills according to the knowledge acquired. 

    Now, how can this be implemented to designers? To explain the teaching method applied, I have taken as an example one of the subjects I teach, to explain how it is developed in order to achieve the approaches of the academic institution. 

    The first thing to identify is the objective of the subject and what professional skills should be developed in the student. After this, they are classified and dimensioned using the Theory tool Bloom's Taxonomy, allowing as a teacher to set objectives at each level and, later, evaluate it easily and more effectively.

    After being able to identify the levels of learning from lower to higher and how these are acquired for the development of their training and professional skills, the learning methodologies to be applied are identified as well as the dynamics in the classroom and their scope to be carried out through activities. , both group and individual, according to the planning of the subject achieving the goals set. 

    As a final stage, the evaluation methods are established to assess the gradual learning process. through blogs and similar presentation tools with the aim of avoiding free interpretation, but rather that it works as a feedback to the student and the teacher in a history. 

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Línea del tiempo Materiales y Técnicas de Construcción II – Enero 2021

    Timeline Construction Materials and Techniques II – January 2021

    During the period January - May in Construction Materials and Techniques I at the School of Architecture of the PUCMM @EAD_PUCMM, where the interior design student develops criteria that allow understanding the behavior, physical and sensory qualities of the nature of the material, to apply appropriate construction techniques as the case warrants.

    Unit 3 of this course is about learning about materials and their use in history. That said, in order to understand the different periods of art history, it was assigned as a practice to develop a timeline graphically in a summary and understanding of the unidad.

    Below I share the Timeline made by interior design student Mayerling Taveras.

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design

  • Fundamentos del Color 1ra Edición – Benjamin Moore

    Foundations of Color 1st Edition – Benjamin Moore

    As an activity for teaching the color of the year and Benjamin Moore's chart of similar colors, Sarah Tió carries out the FUNDAMENTALS OF COLOR activity with the aim of understanding the product beyond a painting. 

    In this first edition it was aimed at professionals immersed in the world of design; attended: architects, interior designers, advertisers, marketers, graphic designers and any professional with an interest in color. 

    The talk is divided into 4 acts:

    1. THEORY OF COLOR. It is the theoretical part of the activity and the applied teaching methodology is through an interactive presentation and examples to associate what is exposed, it is explained where the color comes from. 
    2. HE COLOR OF THE YEAR. Starting from the description of the color chosen by Benjamin Moore, color is analyzed as an adjective and the terminology of color is exposed, as well as the characteristics that make it up. 
    3. COLOR HARMONIES. After understanding where the color comes from, the color combinations are presented, composition ranges of colors that have common characteristics, already identified in order to carry out the last act. 
    4. CREATE A MOODBOARD. After analyzing the possible combinations of color and understanding that this strategy is not static, that is, we can break it with a conceptual criterion of color intentions and therefore materials, textures, adjectives and qualities, to create our own designs. 


    At the end of the activity, each team formed by choice exposes the color combination created and describes the space where it will be used. 

    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design 

  • Inspiración de época – Materiales y Técnicas de construcción I

    Vintage Inspiration – Materials and Construction Techniques I

    During the period January - May in Materials and Construction Techniques I in the Interior Design career of the PUCMM School of Architecture @EAD_PUCMM, where the interior design student develops criteria that allow understanding the behavior, physical and sensory qualities of the nature of the material, to apply the appropriate construction techniques as the case warrants.

    Unit 3 of this course is about learning about materials and their use in history. That said, in order to be able to evaluate the end of the unit and apply the knowledge acquired, a practice is assigned that consists of creating an inspiration from a period of studied history. 

    The activity consists of two acts: 

    1. Analyze the characteristic elements of a specific period of history of your choice. 
    2. Create a current inspiration based on the elements identified and through an analytical study of similarities, compare how innovative elements can be generated for an interior design today. 

    See the example marked in class of the Rococo artistic movement, where the taste for bright, soft and clear colors is identified and forms inspired by nature predominate. It is a basically mundane art, without religious influences, that deals with themes of daily life and human relationships, a style that seeks to reflect what is pleasant, refined, exotic and sensual.

    From this, construction materials that can reflect Rococo inspiration are identified to be applied to surfaces of an interior space. 

    See below the example presented in class. 

    This activity allows the student to carry out an identification analysis of elements, such as materials, textures and colors in order to distinguish them and associate them with a period in the history of art. 


    Sarah Tió | Professor of Architecture and Design